
The researches of innovative processes that occur in various terminology systems of Ukrainian language remains debatable. These issues continue to remain relevant and require further study, and that necessitates our intelligence. The purpose of the article is to characterize the dynamic processes in modern terminology of management, as well as to determine the main language and extra-linguistic factors that influence the development of the aforementioned terminology. One of the key processes that affect the building vocabulary of management considers borrowed words of Anglicisms. You can select the most relevant causes of borrowing the Anglicism terms, they are: 1) the need for the distinction between scientific field of management or of their specialization; 2) the need for naming new concepts, phenomena recorded in foreign scientific literature of management, but those that do not have equivalents in the Ukrainian scientific language; 3) the trend of “linguistic economy” (O. Jespersen), which is reflected in replacing the bulky narrative construction with one-word borrowing. Along with the advent of neologism borrowed words one can observe the expansion of using foreign language special terminology of economics, finance, commercial activities and some other industries. Neosemantisms constitute a significant layer of loanwords in terminology of management. Changes in the political system of Ukraine and its output to the international arena as an independent state became the most important factors for updates in the vocabulary of the Ukrainian language, led to the rehabilitation of “forbidden” words in the studied area. These lexemes functioned in the Ukrainian language as exotisms which called the realities that were officially considered not inherent to the Soviet reality. The priority feature of the modern terminology of management is the process of passivization caused by the distance to the periphery of the vocabulary of words due to the loss of nominative urgency caused by the partial or complete disappearance of realities and concepts that they marked. The terms which were relevant during the Soviet period, are transferred to the category of archaic. The distinguishing feature of the present stage of terminology of management is determinologization. Appearing on the pages of periodicals or fiction, term stops functioning only in a very specific context, that is changing its purpose to call a special concept. For modern Ukrainian terminology of management at the turn of the twenty-first century the following semantic processes are characterized: neologization that is the appearance of the borrowed Anglicism words under influence of external and internal factors; neosemantization that is the appearance of the new meanings in the already known words (neosemantisms); activation of functioning of the lexems that were previously used only to describe the phenomena of the capitalist world; archaization and determinologization.

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