
In the interwar period, the active creation of Ukrainian volleyball terminology took place, the main principle of which in Galicia was the selection of specific equivalents for foreign names or the formation of neologism terms from the resources of the Ukrainian language. Stepan Haiduchok in the textbook “Vidbyvanka [Volleyball]ˮ presented the attempts of the people of Galicia to create a national term system of volleyball with a minimal share of borrowed terms. In all groups of volleyball terminology analyzed in this article, actually Ukrainian names prevail. There are no foreign language terms among the nominations from the thematic groups – the names of the regulations (pravyla / prypysy hry), names of the match, its parts and results of the match (zmahannia, stricha, hraika, pivhraika, vyhrana, tochka), team name (druzhyna, muzheska / zhinocha / khlopiacha druzhyna, protyvna druzhyna, protyvnyk, pobidna / pobidzhena druzhyna), names of the playground, its parts and markings (hryshche, pole, vlasne / protyvne pole, muzheske / zhinoche hryshche, polovyna hryshcha, pole podavachiv / pryimachiv, linii hryshcha, bichna liniia, pobochyna, cholova liniia / hranytsia, seredynna liniia, seredynna, pravyi / livyi kut hryshcha, mistse podachi), inventory names (pryladdia, stoiak, stovp, stovpchyk, sitka, miach), names of equipment (sorochka, shtantsiata, kaptsi), names of actions of players in volleyball (hraty pivhraiku, hraty v linii napadu / pomochi, vyhraty, prohraty, vidbyvaty miach livoiu / pravoiu rukoiu / kulakom / doloneiu, pidbyvaty miach kulakom / oboma rukamy / ponad sitku, vdariaty miach zverkha / do protyvnyka, vybyty miach poza hryshche / na protyvne pole, perebyty miach na chuzhe pole, pidbyty miach dva razy pidriad, dobyvaty miach do svoioho napadu). Several foreign language borrowings were recorded in thematic groups: the name of the game – volley-ball, the name of the participants in a volleyball match – trener (among the rest of the specific nominations of this group – hrach, napadach, pomichnyk, podavach, pryimach, spivhrach, zapasnyk, providnyk, suddia) and as part of hybrid terms individualna hra, reprezentatsiina druzhyna, rukhankova salia. So, the volleyball terminology analyzed in the article has a distinctly national character: it is dominated by Ukrainian proper names and the share of loans is insignificant.

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