
Objective of the article is to find out the main external and internal factors influencing language changes, in particular in the Ukrainian language. Methods. The main scientific results are obtained through an analytical review of the theoretical positions of domestic scientists, in which the issue of internal and external influences on the development and functioning of the Ukrainian language is considered; observation of language phenomena in the modern Ukrainian language. Results. The influence of external factors on language changes is one of the key topics in the field of linguistics. Language, as a living organism, constantly develops and undergoes changes under the influence of various external and internal factors. The study of these factors is currently relevant in connection with the strengthening of the struggle for the purity of the Ukrainian language and its purification from the influences on the lexical composition of the imperial aggressor country The influence of external factors on language changes is a necessary and natural process that occurs in the modern world. Similar processes lead to activation of internal influences. Cultural contact, socio-political changes, technological progress and other factors contribute to the evolution of language through borrowing, adaptation and transformation of the vocabulary and the language system in general. Over the past couple of decades, we have had an impact on vocabulary in various areas, including education. The distance learning system and the globalization of the information space affect the spread of foreign terms and expressions, especially from English to Ukrainian. This is reflected in the use of foreign words, names of educational platforms, abbreviations, logos and terms in communication processes. Changes in language reflect modern realities and needs of society, contribute to more accurate expression of thoughts and ideas. However, it is important to maintain a balance between enriching the language with new borrowings and preserving national identity and cultural heritage.

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