
OZET Insan yiyecegine paralelolarak hayiian yem/erinin de yeterliduzeyde uretilememesi hem ulkemizde hem de' tum dunyada, kar.simiza cikan en omemli bir sorundur. Dunya Ile ulkemizde hizli nufus artisi .bu s.orunu doha da agirlastirmakta4,lr. Yem Ile yiyecek acigi simdiden buyuk boyutlara ulasmistir. Bu cok onemli sorunun cozUmu bilinen mevcut yem uretimlerinin artirilmasinin yani sira yeni yem iieya yiyecek kaynaklarinm·bf!Junma·, sina baglidir. Kuru domates pos.asmin kaba yem olarak kul/ani/ip kullanilamayacagini tesbit amaci ife yapiltin bu calismqda bu urunun in liiliO Ile in lIitr.o olarak sindirim duzeyleri tayin edilmis makrf! ve mikro besin maddeleri ..analizleri yapilmistir. -Protein duzeyi (% 17,7) kepeginkinden daha yuksek; protein sintirimi ise iyi kalite kuru cayir otunkine denk olar4k bulunmustur. Koyunlarla yapilan bu sindirim calismasindan elde edilen Ileri/er ve analiz sonuclaii, bunda.n sonra yapilacak calismalara i§ik tuiabili'. Burada elde edilen sonuclarin bu urunun ruminant hayvanlar icin kaba yem kaynagi olarak kullanilabilecegi izlenimini vermektedir. Bunu ilerde. yapilacak genis .kapsamJr calismalar belirleyecektir. The Possibilities of Using Tomato Pomace as Roughage in Ruminant Rations SUMMARY A digestion trial was eonducted in order to determine the feed value of tomato pomace in lamb rations. The samples of tomato pomace were analyzed, revea1:ed that on a dry matter. basis, tomato pomaee contain more crude protein (17,47 %) 'and as much or more mineral matter as good'quality pasture hay. The digestibility and nitrogen retention were determined usIng two lambs for eacb ration: The rations were fed to two 1ambs each were alotted randomly to the cages. Eaeh lainb was fed 1300 gr. ration daily. The' rations were: i. BOO gr. good quality pasture hay 2. 1000 gr. good quality pasture hay plus 300 gr. barley and 3. JOOO gr. tomato pomace p1us . 300 gr. barley. The difference method was used in the detel1mination of the digestibiiity of barley. Dry matter digestion of tomato pomace ration (59,46 %) was 1ess than the good quality pasture hay ration (59,99' %). Organie matter digestion of good quality pasture of hay was 3,2 % higher than the tomato pomace 171 vitro dry matter digestion of good quality pasture hay (5Q,75 %) and tomato pomace (53,09 %) gave paral· lel results to in vivo organic matter digestions . of good quality pasture hayand .tomato pomace. The nitrogen retention of the good quality pasture hay ration lambs (+ 1,57 N/day)'was less than the tomato pomace ration lambs (+ 10,27 gr. N/day) which was due to the high crude protein content of the tomato pomace. However the crude protein digestion 1ev.els were 58,48 % for the good quality pasture hay ration and 56,64 %for the tomato pomace ration respectively. The results obtained from the experiment and analyses revealed that . the tomato pomace could be used as roughage or roughage portion in ruminant rations but this preliminary results need further investigations.

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