
Globalization has affected a lot of sector in international relations such as actor, including Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs comes from every country, and SMEs has huge impacts on their national economy. SMEs has a huge effect on the number of a country's export. It makes the sustainability of export in a country depending on SMEs as one of the actors. The appearance of globalization become a challenge for every SMEs in any country to survive through globalization. Because in the globalization era, every SMEs have to increase their ability to trade especially in their ability to use the new technology. And if SMEs in a country cannot improve their ability facing globalization, it can be hard for SME to compete their competitor and it can be a disaster for the sustainability of the SMEs and for their countries. China is an example of a country that pushes and helps SMEs to improve their skills and improve their ideas. And because of the SMEs in China, China can increase its ability in international trading. This writing will try to explain how can SMEs become an important actor in international relations, especially in increasing a country power’s in the international system through digitalization.


  • Kehadiran globalisasi membawa perubahan besar pada dunia internasional

  • Globalization has affected a lot of sector in international relations such as actor, including Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

  • SMEs comes from every country, and SMEs has huge impacts on their national economy

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Digitalisasi UKM

OECD dalam press release nya mengatakan bahwa digitalisasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi terbaru dapat dikatakan berpotensi baik pada kelangsungan bisnis suatu negara[7]. Digitalisasi memiliki dampak lain pada penggunanya, dimana Yan-Yin dkk mengatakan adanya digitaliasi menurunkan batasan-batasan yang sebelumnya menjadi hambatan dalam perdagangan. Digitalisasi juga memiliki makna adanya peleburan batas wilayah negara menjadi satu kesatuan. Dengan melakukan digitalisasi, seluruh wilayah bagian negara di dunia dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain tanpa dibatasi oleh batas wilayah negara masing-masing[9]. Hal ini berhubungan dengan teori integrasi ekonomi yang diungkapkan oleh Bela Balassa, yaitu proses hilangnya batas wilayah negara sehingga menjadi satu kesatuan dalam dunia internasional, khususnya dalam bidang perdagangan[10].

Pemerintah dan UKM Tiongkok
Dampak Digitalisasi UKM Terhadap Tiongkok
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