
The article raises the problem of the ambiguity of the processes of introducing information technology into education, which affects many scientific areas. The author explores the leading trends in global education caused by the introduction of digital technologies. The article proves that they not only expand the educational space. In addition to the well-known positive results of the use of information technology in the educational process, the author also shows the negative consequences of digitalization of the educational environment. One of the important consequences of the dominance of digital technologies in the modern educational process is the process of «humanization.»The author reveals the main areas of development of the educational system under the domination of the latest information technologies. The cult ofgadgets gradually leads to the process of «humanization»of the younger generation. By creating a basis for the formation of a single educational space, digital technologies lead to the transformation of domestic pedagogical traditions. The cult of technological progress at the expense ofspirituality is promoted. The traditional integrity of the educational system of the educational system is being broken. «Humanization»is evident in the rejection of truth as the leading goal of gnoseology. Such trends are characteristic of Western education, but some reformers have also successfully imposed them on national education. The author shows what the educational system does not meet the requirements of the information society. Traditional relations between the subjects of the educational process are being violated. In some students, the illusion of the teacher»s uselessness is formed, as they are able to obtain any information themselves. The article shows that the pursuit of speed leads to a drop in the scientific status of information. The article gives examples of distortion of the past in academic cognition, which reduces the role of history as an ideological basis.

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