The article identifies the problem of finding a modern format of teacher development in the system of postgraduate education. The necessity of using innovative pedagogical technologies of teaching as an aspect of innovative activity of a higher school teacher in the context of development of modern education, in particular postgraduate, is revealed. The range of innovative pedagogical technologies, methods, receptions as effective tools of professional development of the teacher in the conditions of postgraduate education is defined. Aspects of professional interaction that contribute to the creation of a creative scientific and educational environment of the educational process are characterized. Interactive technologies that are determined by the interaction of teachers and teachers (students of advanced training courses) become effective tools of higher education. Aspects of realization of innovation of educational process in establishments of higher and postgraduate education are defined. We outlined practical changes in the professional activity of the teacher, determined by the willingness to improve pedagogical skills, to develop various components of professional competence, i.e. to constantly develop their own professional resources. The practical experience of using innovative pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques and forms of organization of the educational process, contributing to the active continuous professional development of teachers in the system of postgraduate education, are highlighted. The scientific-methodical and didactic support of professional development of teachers in the context of technologicalization of the postgraduate world is presented. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the application of innovative pedagogical technologies in the activities of higher education teachers in the context of postgraduate teacher education. Research methods used: theoretical analysis and systematization of scientific sources − allowed to identify the state of the problem of application of innovative technologies in the modern educational process; pedagogical observation and systematization − allowed to get the results of research on the active introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques in the system of postgraduate education; generalization and structuring − allowed to develop scientific –methodological, and didactic support for the continuous development of teachers in the system of postgraduate education. Conclusions were made on the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions, in particular postgraduate education institutions, which contribute to more effective mastery of educational material, its understanding and practical self-realization; creates conditions for continuous development and self-development of teachers throughout life.
E system of postgraduate education; generalization and structuring − allowed to develop scientific –methodological, and didactic support for the continuous development of teachers in the system of postgraduate education
Впровадження інноваційних технологій у освітній процес вищих навчальних закладів, зокрема закладів післядипломної освіти, сприяють ефективнішому опануванню навчального матеріалу, його розумінню і практичній самореалізації; створює умови для неперервного розвитку та саморозвитку вчителів протягом життя
E system of postgraduate education; generalization and structuring − allowed to develop scientific –methodological, and didactic support for the continuous development of teachers in the system of postgraduate education. ІННОВАЦІЙНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ ЯК ІНСТРУМЕНТ ПРОФЕСІЙНОГО РОЗВИТКУ ВЧИТЕЛЯ В УМОВАХ ПІСЛЯДИПЛОМНОЇ ОСВІТИ
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