
INTRODUCTION: Playful activities can be a great method to become permanentknowledge in specific and complexes themes, according SOARES (2004). This work treatsabout the construction of a game to be used in teacher's qualification by EducationalTutorial Program in Biochemistry (ETP). OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the ludicity and capacityof a game to construct cognitive memories and become easy the familiarization processbetween the teachers and the molecular models. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Aprevious study of games developed in a matter from Biochemistry Bachelor Deegre wasdone to evaluate what´s the better game as clearness, dynamic, interaction and duration´stime. After the study, a Memory Card game was chosen to integrate the activities appliedby ETP in workshops. It is composed by thirty six cards divided in texts and images cards,being the pair constituted necessarily by one image and one text card. The images on thecards are based in kit's(*) pieces - nucleotides, amino acids, DNA, RNA, etc. Applying thegame before the manipulation, is expected that teachers link the theory and the model bythe previous familiarization. To evaluate it, questionaries were applied with questions aboutthe efficacy of the assimilation using the game as a previous activity before the effectivemanipulation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Datas show that 83,3% of teachers thoughtinteresting the application of game how a familiarization step and they affirm that thismethod is effective to make them closer to the pieces. In addition, the informations broughtin cards can become solid basic concepts in Molecular Biology and allow that the studentmemorizes it of an easier way. CONCLUSIONS: These results are a proof that games areable to rise up cognitive memory building, remedy assimilation and memorization deficitand build long time memories. In addition, a playful methodology

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