
The article presents the results of a study of theoretical and practical aspects of developing a model of staff competencies at the university. A review of scientific publications on a given topic was carried out; the main aspects of the work on creating a competency model in modern organizations and, in particular, in universities were highlighted. The analysis of the history of the competence-based approach in personnel management and the development of ideas about the concept of "competence" in foreign and domestic science and practice was also carried out. The relevance of modeling the competencies of personnel in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation is substantiated, taking into account modern challenges and social processes. After that, the practical experience of developing a corporate competency model at Udmurt State University is described, which includes four main stages: applying an expert approach, defining competency model clusters, monitoring the information received and forming a corporate competency model taking into account the categories of university employees, testing the competency model. The last stage was implemented in the process of assessing employees through socio-psychological testing, the use of a case method, as well as interviewing and observation. A description of the evaluation report is provided. The system of work on developing a competency model, described in the article, can be taken as the basis for implementing the policy of human capital management. In this connection, this article may be useful to managers and employees of the personnel departments of educational institutions of higher education.

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