
The article outlines the expediency of application and the main problematic issues of implementing the principles of the competency approach in personnel management of current enterprises, in particular, related to the process of formation and practical use of its main tool - the model of employee competencies. A scientific survey of the significant assets of scientists and practitioners on this topic was carried out, as a result of which it was established that there is a need to finalize currently unresolved tasks regarding the clarification of the sequence and the development of scientific and methodological support and practical recommendations for the construction of such models, since the given processes are mostly abstract, difficult for practical application due to the lack of clear instructions and tools for the implementation of each stage. The main goal of the article is to improve the process of forming the model of employee competencies by clarifying the sequence of its development, specifying actions at each stage and developing methodological tools for practical application. The process of forming the model of employee competencies was compiled, presented in the form of a logical sequence of specific ac­tions and decisions with the use of a specially developed toolkit, based on the choice of a certain approach and involves the construction of a model of competencies for employees of diffe­rent categories with a different number of constituent elements. For example, for employees in managerial posi­tions there are 4 constituent elements; for specialists and workers in labourer’s positions - 3 constituent elements etc. A scientific-methodical toolkit and relevant recommendations for its implementation were developed, an approbation was carried out on an example (a model of the competences of fitters in mechanical assembly works was developed). Competences of mechanical assembly fitters included in the developed model were assessed using the "360° method"; taking into account the weight factor of each competence, the general level of their competence is determined. The results of scientific research are the basis for making recommendations for improving the level of employees’ competence.

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