
The article is devoted to the study of current issues related to the implementation of a modern competence approach in personnel management of enterprises and organizations in various industries. A scientific survey of the latest achievements of leading scientists and practitioners on the issue of building a model of employee competencies was carried out, as a result of which the need was established to refine the issue of ordering and applying separate approaches to the formation of such models, as well as establishing their constituent elements. In the course of the analysis and generalization of the latest academic achievements, published in a number of modern sources, the main existing approaches to building a model of employee competencies are highlighted, among which the most appropriate, according to the authors, is the creation of a completely new model. At the same time, a critical review of meaningful developments and acquisitions of specialists in this field was carried out to highlight the components of the competency model that form its structure. It was found that they are quite different, include a various number of structural elements of different content, which causes the need for their argumentation and systematization. The main goal of the article is to analyze and organize the used approaches to the formation of the employee competencies model, as well as to substantiate the total number of its constituent elements. After their comprehensive analysis, comparison and synthesis, as well as based on previous studies, the principles of building a model of employee competencies were formulated. It is substantiated that when choosing a rational approach to the development of an employee competencies model, it is advisable to choose the creation of a completely new model, in which the factors that have the greatest influence on its content will be fully taken into account. Based on a critical analysis of existing achievements, separate models of competences have been developed for employees of different categories (positions), which, unlike the existing ones, fully cover the entire set of necessary competencies and characterize them in various ways. The outlined studies serve as a basis for the development of methodological recommendations and the corresponding tools for their practical application in the development of the employee competencies model.

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