
 Islamic Economics aims at achieving success in dunia and hereafter (al-falah) by utilising the entrusted resources through cooperation and participation for the well-being of mankind in actualising the concept of maqasid. It is essential for one to understand the worldview of Islamic Economics in order to appreciate the working of economic activities through three sectors; namely government, private and welfare. Generally, people have difficulties to relate Islamic Economics knowledge, principles, and values in real life due to the absence of working model as compared to Banking and Finance. This might be due to the less attractive way of dissemination of Islamic Economic knowledge in the classroom setting. Hence, this study will explore on the contemporary nature of Islamic Economics (IE) game to create a suitable storyline. In order to create the storyline, content analysis were used to extract relevant information from the Quran, Hadith and established Islamic economics resources. There are three main concepts of Islamic economics that contribute to Socio-economic Justice; namely brotherhood, accountability and tazkiyyah. Nine scenarios were developed for the purpose of this game where three different scenarios were designed for each concept. The storyline becomes an important input for storyboard sketching before the game can be developed.

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