
The object of research is the organizational and economic processes of competitiveness management of entrepreneurial structures of hotel and restaurant business. One of the biggest problems today is the need to deepen the theoretical and methodological foundations, develop models and management mechanisms to increase the competitiveness of the hotel and restaurant business in times of crisis and information transformation of society. In the course of the research a model of management the competitiveness of the hotel and restaurant business during the crisis and informatization of society was developed, the new elements of which are the areas of improving the theory and methodology of management processes. The prospects of applying an inclusive human-centric approach to the management of enterprise competitiveness, as well as a set of basic consumer properties of hotel and restaurant products are substantiated. Based on them, the characteristics of personnel, sets of basic competitive strategies and dissipative structures of management of production activities of enterprises are determined. It is established that the increase in demand and inclusive development of the hotel and restaurant business occurs if the main consumer property of its products («economy», «quality», «creative differentiation») coincides with the psychophysiological characteristics of workers («dynamic sensor», «static quality innovator», «intuitive creator») and the type of structure of management of production activities (economic-, quality-, differential-dissipative structure), which is enshrined in the standards. The joint action of the laws of supply and demand, increasing labor productivity, standardization and evolution of life can be traced. An indicator of competitiveness is proposed, the components of which allow assessing the satisfaction of interests in the development of business, society and the state both in the short term and in the long term. This provides an opportunity to quickly identify and correct inefficient management method («factor-minimum»), which makes it impossible for the hotel and restaurant business to compete in the market during the crisis and informatization of society.

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