
Quarantine restrictions, which were actively introduced around the world in early 2020, affected absolutely all areas of economic life. Particularly critical was the impact on the hotel and restaurant business. This is confirmed by existing research, which shows that almost a third of business owners have lost 90 to 100% of their income. And this is only at the beginning of quarantine. The same entrepreneurs fired about half of their employees. In addition, a small proportion of full-service restaurants tried to continue operating at a small capacity. This was possible through the use of government procurement or the organization of takeaway activities, to provide the minimum necessary stock of cash to resume operations in the future. The rest were forced to close. Similar trends were observed in the hotel business, but in the case of hotels, the situation was even more critical. Therefore, the need to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hotel and restaurant business, as a basis for the formation of measures to restore this area of the economy in the future determine the relevance of our study. The scientific article examines the impact of quarantine restrictions on the hotel and restaurant business through the prism of analyzing the degree of decline in income, the percentage of job cuts, the number of employees granted leave at their own expense, and the share of laid off workers. In addition, the distribution of the areas most affected by quarantine is considered in terms of determining the percentage of victims who were not affected by quarantine, as well as those who benefited from quarantine restrictions. The dynamics of changes in the number of operating restaurants is studied. The reasons for the formation of a disappointing situation in the hotel and restaurant industry are analyzed. Have been developed measures for business owners to ensure the successful operation hotels and restaurants in the quarantin conditions, as well as proposed steps to be taken at the state level to support the hotel and restaurant business.

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