Quantum Dot Cellular Automata has attracted a lot of attention due to its extremely small feature size and ultra low power consumption. It is a possible alternative for transistor based technology. This paper presents the construction of Irreversible and reversible Logic Generator Block using quantum dot cellular automata. QCA based Irreversible and irreversible Logic generator block generates the logic of various devices like 1-Bit comparator, 1-Bit Half Adder, 1-Bit Half Subtractor, AND gate, XOR gate, NOR gate and XNOR gate. Proposed design of QCA based LGB is cost effective and easy to fabricate due to absence of wire crossings in irreversible LGB and no information loss in reversible LGB. This block can be made more efficient by using control lines. Depending on individual value on control line, logic of individual device will be generated. QCADesigner 2.0.3 tool is used for design and simulation of QCA based Logic Generator Block. Similarly here Reversible logic based Logic generator block is proposed which will be able to generate different logic. Area requirement of Reversible LGB is 85% less as compared to Irreversible LGB. Reversible logic provides ideally zero power dissipation that is no information loss is there.
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