
This research aims to explain the process of implementing da'wah communication by Raden Fatah Palembang State University (UIN) students to the people of Lubuk Kepayang village, West Merapi sub-district, Lahat regency. Research was carried out on Real Work Lecture (Kukerta/KKN) students who had previously been given in-depth training on the concept of da'wah communication in the Lubuk Kepayang village community. In this research, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods, namely creating narratives and describing phenomena that occurred during the research. Researchers found that the concept of da'wah communication can be applied in everyday life in society. Students can maximize their role as agents of social change by providing them with religious knowledge (da'wah material) before entering society. The results of the research show that the da'wah communication implemented by students in a disciplined manner received a positive response from the community. Da'wah messages can be happily received by people in various circles.

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