
The development of information technology has influenced patterns of social interaction. This should be responded by the da'wah institutions in carrying out their proselytizing (da'wah) activities. The practice of da'wah has so far been running but it is often less optimal in applying communication patterns due to unclear control groups and the difficulties in evaluating movements. As a religious organization, Wahdah Islamiyah organization in Sinjai, South Sulawesi is very active in doing proselytizing activities to the people. This study aimed at uncovering the communication patterns adopted by Wahdah Islamiyah in delivering its da'wah messages in Sinjai and how it is developed and accepted by people living in remote villages. This is a qualitative research, using the methods of da’wah communication and sociological approaches. Data were collected by conducting observation, interview, and documentation and analyzed through the process of of data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that the communication patterns applied by Wahdah Islamiyah in Sinjai consists of control groups communication in which the organization controls the Muslim preachers (da’i) and da’wah materials; tarbiyah communication by using a tiered curriculum system in learning; cadre pattern through guidance to cadres; and network communication, namely recruiting new members


  • The research aims to uncover the communication patterns that are applied by Wahdah Islamiyah in delivering his da’wah messages at Sinjai Regency, so that it is able to develop da’wah and be accepted by the community to remote villages

  • The implications of this research are addressed to people or parties who feel contrary to the organization to remain act wisely and wisely

  • Yusuf Guna (65 th), dai Wahdah Islamiyah Kabupaten Sinjai, wawancara di Biringere, Kabupaten Sinjai, 25 Juli 2019

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The research found communication patterns applied by Wahdah Islamiyah Sinjai Regency is 1) communication control group pattern. 2) Pattern tarbiyah communication. 3) Two-step communication pattern. 4) Pattern network communication. Pelaksanaan dakwah selama ini telah berjalan akan tetapi sering kurang optimal dalam menerapkan pola komunikasi oleh karena gugus kendali yang tidak jelas dan sulitnya melakukan evaluasi gerakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pola komunikasi yang diterapkan oleh Wahdah Islamiyah dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan dakwahnya di Kabupaten Sinjai, sehingga mampu mengembangkan dakwah dan diterima oleh masyarakat sampai ke pelosok desa. 5) adanya efek bola salju dakwah mereka yang melibatkan kawula muda yang dengan penuh kesadaran bekerja atas nama organisasi, sehingga diduga adanya pola komunikasi yang sistematis digunakan oleh kelompok Wahdah Islamiyah dalam berdakwah. Beberapa hal tersebut yang menginspirasi penulis untuk meneliti lebih jauh tentang seperti apa pola komunikasi yang digunakan dai Wahdah Islamiyah dalam menyampaikan pesan dakwahnya, sehingga tetap eksis, efektif, dan efisian di Kabupaten Sinjai

Kajian Tentang Dakwah dan Komunikasi
Pola Komunikasi sebagai Alur Dakwah
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