
The spectrum of autism developmental disorders is vast and diverse, ranging from mild to severe impairments. If parents lack knowledge about autism, maternal acceptance levels tend to be low. Autism literacy through the internet serves as a medium to provide beneficial, extensive, cost-effective, and easily accessible information and knowledge. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of online autism literacy in increasing maternal acceptance of autistic children. The research utilized a single-subject design, involving only one subject, following the ABA Single-case Experiment Design. The single-case experimental method was employed in this study, where autism literacy intervention was delivered through the website www.careautism.wordpress.com. A Maternal Acceptance Scale was used to evaluate the subject's psychological state before and after the intervention. The research's significance lies in providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of online autism literacy in enhancing maternal acceptance of autistic children. Visual inspection and descriptive analysis methods were employed for data analysis. The study's results indicate that autism literacy intervention through the internet can improve maternal acceptance of autistic children, with an increased mean score between the baseline and intervention phases.

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