
Higher medical education must comply with the latest scientific and technological achievements and the global medical advances. One of the most promising approaches to improve the quality of education is the interactive learning, when students solve complex tasks and problems based on the analysis of circumstances and relevant information, learn to think critically, communicate with other people, work in a team, and choose the best decisions during discussions.
 Interactive learning methods include: the "brainstorming" method (ensures the solution of complex problems in a short time with the presentation of a large number of ideas and their discussion); "round table" (tasks are discussed among participants, followed by a search for ways to solve them); "discussion" (knowledge is brought to resolve controversial issues when participants have different points of view); "situational analysis" (consists in getting know more about a particular problem, analysing the situation, ideas for its solution).
 Disciplines of the medical and biological profile (medical biology; histology, cytology and embryology; human anatomy) in medical higher education institutions lay the foundations for a scientific approach to the structural and functional analysis of human life in normal and pathological conditions. In teaching these disciplines, innovative and informational learning technologies are widely used and thus create conditions for the fruitful development of the potential of education seekers and opportunities for the development of their creative abilities and the ability to obtain and apply knowledge during further education.
 Innovative technologies and interactive learning methods increase the interest of students in the study of medical and biological disciplines and contribute to high-quality preparation for the "Step 1" licensing exam, and foster the general and professional competencies, which will be used in future medical activities.

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