
It is well known that methodology in general scientific sense is a set of methods and means of achieving a specific goal through a certain activity. The first design manuals appeared in the 1950s abroad. They reflected the ideology of the design practice of those times with its clearly pragmatic orientation. Modern domestic methodologists have their own perspectives on the process of training future designers, highlighting various approaches. Modern higher education in Ukraine is characterized by the adoption of an innovative approach, in which the training of a competent specialist capable of self-development and self-improvement in all spheres becomes a priority. The innovative orientation of teachers' activities, which includes the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations, is a means of updating educational policy. The main purpose of applying innovative educational technologies is to change the future specialist’s personality (in comparison with the traditional system) qualitatively and adapt it to the constantly changing conditions of professional activity. An innovative approach involves active and interactive forms of learning. So, active methods imply a student’s active position in relation to the teacher and those who receive education together with him. Interactive methods promote better assimilation of new material. Interactive learning is aimed at active and deep learning of the studied material, development of the ability to solve complex problems. Interactive activities include simulation and role-playing games, simulation discussions and so on. Innovative teaching methods can also be attributed to methods such as: teamwork, research-based work, case-study, project work, search method etc. Thus, innovative learning technologies, which reflect the essence of the future profession and shape the professional qualities of a specialist, are a kind of training platform for students to develop their professional skills in conditions close to the real ones. Key words: design, teaching methodology, innovative technologies, interactive teaching methods.

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