
Reforming the system of educational institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ukraine is aimed at forming the professional competence of a new generation of future fire safety and civil defense specialists using innovative training technologies capable of effectively performing assigned tasks.
 Currently, the problem of forming the modern content of departmental education, implementing effective innovative learning technologies and creating a favorable environment for mastering the latest professional competence in the training of future fire safety and civil protection specialists is being actualized.
 The most important task of the educational system today is the formation of a new approach in which the following needs are expressed: active cognitive activity of those who are taught, partnership relations between teachers and those who are taught, an individual approach to learning - revealing the cognitive potential of an individual through the use of reserves laid down by nature.
 The problem of formation of professional competence of future specialists (from the standpoint of its continuity) in any field is in the field of view of many sciences.
 Of particular importance today is the development of the professional and pedagogical competence of the teachers of departmental educational institutions, which train future fire safety and civil defense specialists with the introduction of innovative learning technologies.
 A modern teacher of a departmental educational institution needs flexibility and non-standard thinking, the ability to adapt to rapid changes in life, the ability to creatively approach the organization of the educational process and achieve high work results. An important condition for intellectual and professional improvement is the mastery of motivational, technological, methodical, psychological-pedagogical, intellectual and communicative competences.
 Participation in master classes and professional trainings contribute to increasing the level of professional and pedagogical competence; updating the content of advanced training and internship; improvement of methodical competence in the inter-course period; participation in competitions of professional skills; mastering information and telecommunication technologies.
 The article, based on a theoretical study, scientifically substantiates the need for the formation of professional competence in the application of innovative learning technologies in the preparation of future fire safety and civil defense specialists using innovative learning technologies.

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