
The subject of this study is the category of "criminal legal impact" developed by the doctrine of criminal law.
 The purpose of the study is to determine the essence of the declared legal phenomenon, as well as to systematize the measures of state coercion included in its scope.
 Methodology. The methodological basis is represented by the dialectical method of scientific cognition. In the course of the research, private scientific methods of cognition used in the humanities were also used. Thus, when presenting empirical material, formulating conclusions and research results, methods of formal logic were used. When determining the essence of the criminal legal impact, as well as criteria for systematization of state coercion measures included in its scope, inductive, deductive, and content analysis methods were used.
 Results. Based on the analysis of criminal legislation, theoretical studies of the legal field under consideration, the concept of criminal legal impact is formulated, its essence and forms of implementation are determined.

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