
Subject of research: features of the use of qualifying features in criminal law norms.
 Purpose of research: to determine universal requirements for qualifying features for their subsequent application in a Special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
 Methods and objects of research: the methodological basis was the dialectical method of scientific cognition. Also, in the course of the research, private scientific methods of cognition used in the humanities were used. For example, when presenting the material, formulating conclusions and research results, methods of formal logic were used. In determining the criteria for the selection of qualifying features, an inductive, deductive method was used. The content analysis method was used in the study of a Special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for compliance with the requirements for qualifying features.
 Results of research: the content of the requirements for legally significant signs is disclosed, which indicate a significant increase in the degree of public danger of a crime containing signs of the main composition, and therefore are used as qualifying signs in the norms of the Special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Proposals are formulated to improve the norms of the current criminal law in terms of the specifics of the use of qualifying features.

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