
Subject of research: is the functioning of the production and consumption waste management systems of the regions (RSOO) of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for the period from 2016 to 2020.
 Purpose of research: is to quantify production efficiency production efficiency coefficients (СEP) of the functioning of these systems based on shell data analysis (Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA). This method is based on the repeated application of linear programming to a set of input and output indicators recorded by the current system of state statistics and characterizing the activities of sets of similar specialized enterprises in the regions for waste management (production facility, software).
 Methods and objects of research: to assess the СEP of the software functioning by the DEA method, the "time slice" and "time window" schemes were used. Based on the calculated СEP values, stable subgroups of software with low, medium and high СEP values were identified. For insufficiently effective software, target values of input indicators were calculated, the achievement of which allows them to maximize СEP values. At the same time, for these software, a recommendatory choice of a leader/landmark object was carried out, which can be considered as a carrier of best practices and successful experience in organizing work, which is relevant for the development of the RSOO.
 Main results of research: the formed classification of RSOO was compared with the normative indicators of waste processing given in the State Program of the Russian Federation "Environmental Protection" for 20122020.

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