
Currently, there are new theoretical approaches that mix concepts of both environmental and urban sciences. This search for inter- disciplinarity aims the development of guidelines to respond more holistically the demands of the population. These guidelines should be based on the various dimensions assigned to sustainable de- velopment. In this sense, what perspective can be established on urban planning that enables it to contribute for the environmental quality of cities and hence for the quality of human life? How some disciplines and theories that re ect on the processes and natural ows can bring alternatives to the urban setting that reduce the clearance of environmental and urban dimensions? In these terms, this article proposes the critical analysis of the concepts of urban ecology and biophilic cities, and concepts of sustainable urbanism and ecological urbanism as proposals that question environmental issues in urban setting, and vice versa. Parallels between models are established. Possible challenges and opportunities for the in- tegration of social and environmental dimensions of sustainability in the context of urban space are discussed. In addition, some implications for urban projects are placed. Thereunto, this study conducted an exploratory and descriptive research, in theoret- ical-conceptual nature, with typology of bibliographical technical procedure. The product of this process is the critical analysis of a comparative matrix, which contains the main in uences, concepts, strategies, implications for urban projects, approximations to sus- tainability and challenges of the surveyed approaches. It was evi- dent that they alone are not able to ll the wide range of problems facing the urban space; each of which has varying levels of in- volvement with the di erent pillars of sustainability. Alternatively, it is possible to think locally in a better ownership of its principles and strategies. The tactics tend to be more assertive if arising from the dialogue between concepts


  • Resumo Fruto da aproximação entre as ciências ambientais e urbanas, surgem novas abordagens teóricas que mesclam conceitos de ambas estas áreas

  • Es evidente que ellos solos no son capaces de cubrir la amplia gama de problemas que enfrenta el espacio urbano, pues cada uno tiene presentan niveles variables de implicación con los diferentes pilares de la sostenibilidad

  • This study proposed a critical analysis of urban ecology and biophilic cities concepts, and urban sustainability and ecological urbanism concepts, whereas proposals that discuss environmental issues in urban context and vice versa

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Urban ecology

The urban environment is, by definition, a territory where human population and its activities are concentrated, so it’s a product associated with the development of human civilization. What evidences the urban ecology uniqueness is the insertion of built environment as element of interaction By this broader set different study focuses are possible, approaching and resourcing discussions that could be conducted by those disciplinary fields which face human needs, as sociology, architecture, urbanism, engineering, public health, economy, and others (Wu, 2014; Forman, 2014). With this meaning, urban ecology brings an important contribution to the investigation of alternatives for the human development, specially the one made in urban spaces, so that could be compatible with the environment carrying capacity. Research groups and topics in urban ecology are centered in: (1) mapping of habitat/biotope and related analysis; (2) species and resources inventories; (3) rural-urban continuum; (4) biogeochemical fluxes and material modeling; (5) combined humanbiophysical systems; (6) urban regional spatial patterns, processes, and changes (Forman, 2014)

Biophilic Cities
Sustainable Urbanism
Ecological Urbanism
Interfaces conceituais e a sustentabilidade urbana
Urban Ecology
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