
Formulation of the problem. The need for a categorical interpretation of the thesaurus is due to methodological priorities for scientific, objectivity, systemic, integrity, unity, complexity and logic of the study. The correctness of the use of relevant concepts and categories is determined by the accuracy of their definitions, fully depends on the verification of the presented innovative culture concept of the leader. Consequently, there is a need for a comprehensive research analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master’s training process. Materials and Methods: Solving the highlighted aim, a set of methods of scientific research adequate to them were used, theoretical: a comparative analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master’s training process; a systematic analysis of conceptual and terminological apparatus of problem research of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the master’s training process. Results. The article presents the innovation culture development of the future manager of general secondary educational institution as a systematically organized, respectively providing process in master's training, determined by the needs of society, state and customers of educational services and institutionalized, which substantiates the relationship and interdependence of innovation culture, which correlate with the content and pedagogically appropriate methodological systems of professional training at higher education. It is determined the IC development of the future manager of general secondary educational institution. Conclusions. Thus, modern theories of social development make it possible to identify the specifics of the innovative culture development and give grounds to conclude that the innovation and innovation culture development is a natural, necessary, historically determined and self-organized process of objectification and institutionalization of innovative content at the social and individual levels. It is important to understand that the emergence of innovation and innovation culture is possible only if the dialectical and synergetic nature of life is taken into account. For the innovation culture development is exceptional importance the openness of educational systems, the presence of the environment and mechanisms for the natural struggle of contradictory and opposing forces, the absence of authoritarian and artificial interference in the institutionalization of innovation culture.

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