
The article offers the classification and analysis of the factors for the formation of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution. A set of relevant factors is presented at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the innovative culture formation on the basis of systematic and comparative analysis of scientific literature. The first level includes the action of global, state-political, economic and scientific-technological, axiological and socio-cultural factors. It is emphasized that their importance is pointed out by the ability to determine the overall trajectory of world innovative development in general, and the state in particular, to outline the perspective directions of evolution of the innovative society. It is revealed that the innovatively ordered and innovatively directed system of the professional education and management training, quality management of educational innovations, availability of the system of quality assurance of education and postgraduate pedagogical education and self-education of management personnel are the factors, that belong to the meso-level. It is proved that the micro-level accumulates a systematic interaction of numerous factors at the local level (educational institution, manager’s personality, self-development), that are equally effective. Innovative culture at the educational institution level is formed due to its national and foreign policy, organizational and management activity, resource support, psychological climate, as well as personal qualities of the subjects of innovative activity. The opinion that among the key factors for the formation of innovative culture of the future manager, the pivotal one is the training system, that has an innovation-oriented vector of development. The main factor in the development of innovation culture is the professional training of innovators. Therefore, the development of the innovative culture of the future head of the educational establishment depends directly on the scientific-theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the model of training of the innovator-manager. In our opinion, such training should focus on the development of innovative culture in several stages: motivational-cognitive, professional-practical, creative-activity and professionally relevant. The main task of this training is to develop a new type of modern leader with a high level of innovative culture and a significant proportion of the intellectual component in the human capital of the individual. It is stated that the main factor in the development of innovative culture is the professional training of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution, which depends directly on the scientific-theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the innovator-manager’s model of training. We believe that this training should focus on the development of the innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in several stages: motivational-cognitive, vocational-practical, creative-activity and vocationally relevant. Key words: innovative culture, innovations, general secondary educational institution, future manager of the general secondary educational institution, factors of development, macro-, meso- and micro-levels of innovative culture development.

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