
Summary: the article addresses to the problem of the introduction of competence approach in bachelors’ professional and fundamental training as future engineers in varied specialties at a technical university under educational transformations and joining the European education environment. The authors accentuate on the fact that under conditions of native education modernization, special significance attains the problem of professional training for specialists to be competitive in the labor market, competent, and to master their profession extensively. In the course of the study, it was established that educational activity modernization is taking place within the context of the European requirements, principles and standards of the EU states. It is established that the introduction of the competence approach to the education of the EU member-states assumes that the knowledge obtained corresponds to the following four constituents: to know what, to know why, to know how, to know who.
 A number of inner and outer factors are dealt with in the article that determine the urgency of introduction of the competence approach to the education practices of Ukraine.
 The presented analysis of scientific researches has enabled defining the key elements of professional competence in a future engineer. The content of the main traits is disclosed as well as peculiarities in the introduction of the competence approach in the process of professional and fundamental training of bachelors – future engineers – in varied specialties under educational transformations.

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