
Purpose: to compare the physical and technical readiness women basketball teams of Ukraine and Lithuania. Material : participated in the study of female athletes team of Ukraine and Lithuania (n = 24). Athletes age - 25-30 years. Teacher testing was conducted physical and technical readiness. Ukrainian team trained by the author's method with the use of innovative technologies. Included the use of technology in the training process of copyright video tutorials with animated illustrations and LED linear luminaire. Results : the results indicated significant improvement of athletes Ukrainian team in the tests: a standing jump, cross 2000 meters, throwing a medicine ball with a running start, lifting the trunk in 30 seconds from a prone position, speed equipment, three points shots, special endurance. The proposed new management training process helped increase mobility, intensity and complexity of team training in Ukraine. Conclusions : It is recommended to use a program of technical and tactical training with the use of innovative technologies in the training process basketball players are hearing impaired.

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