
The article reports the findings of an exploratory study of commu nication in quality circles. It is generally accepted in the literature that quality circles improve communication in organizational set tings, yet no specific research has been conducted that explains how communication is improved This study was conducted to in vestigate that question and to provide hypotheses to be tested in fu ture communication studies. Multiple methods of data collection and analysis were used to produce findings that would address how quality circle participation affects communication, as per ceived by members themselves. A survey designed for the study in cluded the communication portion of Likert's Profile of Organizational Characteristics and ten open-ended questions asking about participant's personal experiences in quality circles. Analysis of the data revealed that quality circle participation had positive effects on perceived individual power/influence, commu nication with superiors, subordinates, and to some degree, with peers. Among the areas of organizational communication not af fected by quality circle participation were opportunities for ad vancement, belonging/acceptance by others, and tangible rewards.

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