
In Brazil, oral cancer constitutes a significant public health challenge. According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), over 11,000 new cases of oral cancer were reported in 2022. This particular type of cancer can be identified as either squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or epidermoid carcinoma. Within this context, the primary objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive literature review focusing on the differential diagnoses of SCC and its distinctive characteristics. To achieve this, we conducted searches in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), PubMed, and LILACS databases usingthe following terms: "oral cancer," "differential diagnosis and squamous cell carcinoma," "head and neck squamous cell carcinoma," and "head and neck squamous cell carcinoma," encompassing the period between 2004 and 2023. Among the contributing risk factors are tobacco consumption, excessive alcohol intake, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and prolonged sun exposure. Notably, smoking emerges as one of the principal risk factors, elevating the risk of SCC development up to threefold for smokers. In conclusion, the management of oral cancer necessitates a comprehensive approach encompassing preventive measures, accurate diagnosis, and appropriate treatment. Moreover, distinguishing oral cancer from other conditions that might manifest similar symptoms remains a critical aspect of effective management.

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