
Objective To investigate the clinical significations of changes of Homocysteineand,Endothelin,Mononitrogen Monoxide,Folic Acid and VitamineB12 in acute cerebral infarctions.Methods Plasma levels of Hcy、ET、NO、FA and VitB12 of 120 blood specimens collected form cerebral infarction patients(60cases have and have not complicatins respectively)and 41 specimens drew from healthy individuals which served as control group were detected by DS30Hcy and Immulite detecter.Results Levesl of Hcy、ET were higher in ACI group while NO、FA、VitB12 were lower than that in control group and the differeces were singnifficant(P<0.01).The differeces between patients had complications and free of coplications are no significant(P>0.05).Conclusion Surveillance of plasma Hcy、ET、NO、FA and VitB12 values were essential to the observation of the state of illness and prognosis.The guidence of clinical medication of prescription of Folic Acid and VitamineB12 to acute cerebral infarction patients. Key words: Acute cerebral infarction; Homocysteine; Endothelin; Mononitrogen monoxide; FolicAcid; VitamineB12

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