
The development of teaching involves the totality of systematic tendencies to optimize teaching practice in the direction of meaningful and effective learning. Learning this way through the exchanges of guided and independent work often deals with open and authentic problems. These endeavors open up a series of questions that want to give an answer on what conditions the successful classroom management should take into consideration, which occurs in the school in the form of a wide range of direct and indirect activities that the teacher should realize in order to overcome various and unexpected tasks of school everyday life . The range of activities ranges from the perspectives of teachers through the perspective of students to the perspective of teaching and teaching process. Different elements and forms in which classroom-management appears vary with the intensity, the time and the duration, and occur in numerous combinations and with varying degrees of representation. In order to understand the effects of classroom management, we need transparent and challenging goals, understanding of the dynamics and structure of learning, success criteria, good will of students and teachers, logic and strategies to achieve the desired goals. In doing so, one should not ignore the multidimensionality of the teaching process: teaching and learning have their own focus, effect, tendency, types, their fidbek, as binding or complex interactions, communication and relationships mediated in the teaching and learning process.


  • U rekurzivnoj povezanosti individualnog i socijalnog razvoja, u aktu samoostvarivanja reflektuju se zadaci učenja i poučavanja u „praćenju pri samoposluživanju“, „sposobnosti za samostalno delovanje“, „znanju i uviđanju“, „raznolikosti i mnogobrojnosti mogućnosti za sakupljanje iskustava“, kroz „polja prakse za isprobavanje“ (Voß 2005:42)

  • Upravlja, obezbeđuje okruženje puno brige za učenike, upravlja (Choice Therapy Quality Schools) and nastavom na način koji oplemenjuje živote učenika

  • He is a researcher in the social system of the group who teaches and at the same time experimenter in the laboratory of the classroom

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Branislav Banić

Apstrakt Razvoj nastave obuhvata celokupnost sistematičnih težnji da se praksa u nastavi optimalizuje u pravcu smisaonog i efektivnog učenja. Dijapazon delovanja kreće se od perspektive nastavnika preko perspektive učenika do perspektive nastave i nastavnog procesa. Različiti elementi i oblici u kojima se pojavljuje classroom-management variraju s obzirom na intenzitet, rok i trajanje, a javljaju se u brojnim kombinacijama i sa različitim stepenom zastupljenosti. Da bi se razumeli efekti classroom management-a, potrebni su nam transparentni i izazovni ciljevi, razumevanje dinamike i strukture učenja, kriterijumi uspeha, dobra volja učenika i nastavnika, logika i strategija da se postignu željeni ciljevi. Ne sme se zanemariti multidimenzionalnost nastavnog procesa: poučavanje i učenje imaju svoj fokus, efekat, težnju, tipove, svoj fidbek, kao vezivne niti složenih interakcija, komunikacije i odnosa koji se posreduju u procesu poučavanja i učenja

Osnovna uverenja
Kvalitetna škola
Carolyn Evertson i Alene Harris Roger i Davis Johanson
Jane Nelsen Lynn Lott i Stephen Glenn Alfie Kohn
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