
The article outlines the role of division of labor, “production chains”, provides an algorithm of their differentiation by the degree of importance for the national economy, and clarifies the following concepts: “systemically important enterprise:”, “regionally-oriented production system”. Classification of quantitative and qualitative criteria of selection of systemically important enterprises on a regional level, as well as aggregation of state support measures for this category of enterprises in crisis conditions are the important outcomes of the research. The relevance of the study lies in refining the structure of a production chain and in proposed methodological tools for mapping the economic system to identify strategically important production chains of a region and their elements. Using the economy of the Udmurt Republic as an example, the mechanism of forming the list of systemically important enterprises is considered. This made it possible to assess its relevance in terms of the representation of economic entities by industry, scale of activity, and degree of participation in value creation. The following conclusions were also drawn: quantitative indicators do not determine the role of an enterprise in the economy; qualitative indicators should describe economic entities from the point of view of their role in the reproduction circuit, the innovation process, the uniqueness of the production system, the costs of reconstruction, the activity circuit, the orientation and intensity of communication, and the requirements for personnel. The practical importance of the work consists in creation of theoretical basis of improvement of legal and regulatory support of the process of determination of the national economy system agents, increase of efficiency of state interventionism in crisis conditions.

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