
Choreography in sports has long been established as a means of specialized training of high-class athletes, which helps to make compositions more vivid, original, expressive, spectacular. Thanks to the means of choreography, you can watch the wonderful, diverse performances of gymnasts, where for each athlete selected styles and nationalities, based on their physical characteristics and temperament. Therefore, the team work of a coach and choreographer is very important. The purpose of the work - to determine the effectiveness of choreography lessons in the training process of gymnasts 6-7 years. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observation and experiment; testing; methods of mathematical statistics. Organization of the study. The research was conducted in SDYUSHOR DOO FST "Ukraine" on rhythmic gymnastics. The study involved 20 girls 6-7 years old, who attended sports school 5 times a week for 135 minutes. Research results. Based on the results of testing the initial level of choreographic training of gymnasts 6-7 years old, we can say that the level of choreographic training in both groups is almost the same and is insufficient for further sports improvement, so we have developed and implemented choreography lessons. The lesson consists of a classical exercise, in which the basic technique of dance skill is practiced. When studying choreography develops inversion, flexibility, coordination, stability, easy high jump; the correct posture is made; the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, and also culture of movements and ability to think creatively is formed. At the end of the experiment, retesting was performed, which showed that the level of choreographic preparation of the control group, which was engaged in the usual schedule, without the use of choreography lessons, almost did not change and only 2 exercises were performed at a high level. Meanwhile, in the experimental group, which was engaged in the developed methodology, there have been significant changes. All 10 exercises were demonstrated by gymnasts at high and above average levels. Prospects for further research. Development of choreography complexes for gymnasts 6-7 years old using objects for rhythmic gymnastics.


  • Випуск 1 (129) 2021 Issue 1 (129) 2021 рекомендацій щодо тривалості та інтенсивності рухової активності протягом тижня, а також встановлених вимог до фізичного стану, ведення здорового способу життя

  • Based on the results of testing the initial level of choreographic training of gymnasts 6-7 years old, we can say that the level of choreographic training in both groups is almost the same and is insufficient for further sports improvement, so we have developed and implemented choreography lessons

  • Наук: спец.: 13.00.04 / Борисенко, Светлана Ивановна; СПб ГАФК им

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Випуск 1 (129) 2021 Issue 1 (129) 2021 рекомендацій щодо тривалості та інтенсивності рухової активності протягом тижня, а також встановлених вимог до фізичного стану, ведення здорового способу життя. Виходячи з результатів тестування початкового рівня хореографічної підготовленості гімнасток 6-7 років можна сказати, що рівень хореографічної підготовленості в обох групах майже однаковий та є недостатнім для подальшого спортивного удосконалення, тому нами було розроблено та впроваджено в тренувальний процес уроки хореографії. По завершенні експерименту було зроблено повторне тестування, яке показало, що рівень хореографічної підготовленості у гімнасток експериментальної групи, які займалася за розробленою методикою, вищій ніж контрольній (р>0,05).

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