
Data on distribution of chlorinated hydrocarbons in coastal bottom sediments of different areas of the Japan Sea are presented. Results obtained during the autumn 1994 expedition in Peter-the-Great Bay were compared with the data of previous surveys in the D.P.R. Korea coastal zone and Tatarsky Strait (Sakhalin Island). Concentrations of DDT metabolites and HCH isomers appear to be related mainly to pesticide usage in agriculture. Mean concentrations of total DDTs decreased from 12.5 ng g −1 in the D.P.R.K. coastal zone to 2.2 ng g −1 at Sakhalin Island shelf, whereas total HCH concentrations decreased from 3.4 to 0.4 ng g −1. Differences in chemical composition of pesticides used in the D.P.R.K. and Russia were evident. The importance of further monitoring of persistent organochlorines in bottom sediments and the need for regulation of wastewater discharges is stressed.

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