
This chapter discusses amplifiers. It focuses on the analysis and design of several basic amplifier circuits. The amplifier circuit is a fundamental building block in linear circuits. This chapter introduces the analytical techniques related to amplifiers that are required to enhance the reader's ability to analyze various other circuits. Regardless of the specific circuit application (e.g., summing circuit, active filter, voltage regulator, and so forth), the op amp itself is simply an amplifier. Therefore, a thorough understanding of op amp behavior in circuits designed specifically as amplifiers provide an analytical insight that is applicable to nearly all op amp circuits. An amplifier generally accepts a small signal at its input and produces a larger, amplified version of the signal at its output. Finally, the chapter discusses specific techniques for op amps. It outlines the sequence of activities will normally isolate the defective component when the problem has been isolated to an amplifier circuit built around an op amp. The discussion concludes that the most powerful troubleshooting tool when diagnosing op amp circuits is a solid grasp of the basic theory of operation. Although the performance of op amps can deteriorate in some ways, it is far more common for the device to exhibit catastrophic failure.

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