
Publisher Summary Language plays an important function in communication. Language also serves as a rallying point for group identification among those who speak the same mother tongue. The sense of identification is strengthened by common experiences based on language, ethnicity, religion, and culture. The sense of group or cultural identity of an individual is threatened as a result of changes in the environment; the language experience may be an important and crucial factor underlying such changes. This chapter focuses on the language problems faced by the Chinese in a country like Singapore. In such cases, the changing sociolinguistic conditions and language policy measures have resulted in some confusion and crisis in identification among some of the Chinese in the young independent state. The Chinese in Singapore can be described as having multiple and overlapping identities. The case of the Singapore national identity and its presumed association with the competence and use of English is more ambiguous. The promotion of English in Singapore is articulated in reference to its functions in modern technology and development.

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