
The article presents the results of the analysis of the current state of education in Ukraine and in the world. The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by extremely intensive changes at all levels of human life and the surrounding environment. Revolutionary scientific discoveries, the development of electronics and computer technology are changing the world beyond recognition and are already shaping the image of the 21st century. Political and social living conditions are also changing, pandemics, military conflicts lead to psychological and moral tension... In addition to anthropogenic changes, cosmic and planetary changes are taking place. For example, the so-called Schumann resonance frequency was unchanged on our planet for many centuries. This is the natural oscillation of the Earth (pulse of the earth) - a low-frequency wave that has begun to change in the last 20 years. External changes cause internal changes. The Schchumann resonance, and possibly other cosmic phenomena, affect a person and his health, accelerate the processes of change on the planet and in the human body. Thus, it is natural that children born in new conditions differ from their parents. It is clear that training for them should be different. At this stage, training methods do not have time to change and meet the challenges of today. The article presents the paradigms of changes in the system of education, training and upbringing of the younger generation in the period of rapid changes.

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