
The article is devoted to the problem of formation inclusive competence future teachers using art-therapeutic technologies in the educational environment of preschool institutions and the New Ukrainian school. It is noted that the professional unpreparedness of educators, teachers and lecturers of higher education institutions to work in the conditions of inclusion is caused by the shortcomings of the traditional system higher education. For the successful implementation of inclusive education against the background intensive changes in various spheres public life, higher education in Ukraine must optimize the transition to a new paradigm of education – innovative, according to which teacher training for inclusive education is based on competencies. It is determined that the widespread introduction of inclusive education is one of the most important and valuable in its consequences reforms in the pedagogical field. Inclusive education in Ukraine is an innovative educational process and, at the same time, one of the international obligations. Changes in domestic legislation have given a significant driving force in the development of inclusive education in Ukraine. Given the declared, a child with special needs is free to choose an educational institution, in any of them the teacher must be ready to accept the child, include him in the developmental environment and provide a quality level of education. Therefore, the success of the child's adaptation in the educational space will depend on the formation of inclusive competence future teachers of preschool and general secondary education institutions. It is determined that an integral part of the inclusive competence a teacher is the ability to use in professional pedagogical activities a wide range of innovative technologies and approaches to children with special educational needs: health correctional and developmental, art removal mental barriers to learning. It is proved that the using of art-therapeutic, alternative educational technologies, based on the active using of art in the educational process, allows to trace the importance of consistent creative development and thorough creative-oriented professional training of modern preschool and primary school teachers.



  • The article is devoted to the problem of formation inclusive competence future teachers using art-therapeutic technologies in the educational environment of preschool institutions and the New Ukrainian school

  • It is noted that the professional unpreparedness of educators, teachers and lecturers of higher education institutions to work in the conditions of inclusion is caused by the shortcomings of the traditional system higher education

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FORMATION OF INCLUSIVE COMPETENCE FUTURE TEACHERS TO THE USING OF ART THERAPEUTIC TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL. Що невіддільним складником інклюзивної компетентності педагога є здатність використовувати у професійно-педагогічній діяльності широкий спектр інноваційних технологій і підходів до дітей з особливими освітніми потребами: здоров’язбережувальні і корекційно-розвивальні, арт-зняття психічних бар’єрів у навчанні. Що застосування арт-терапевтичних, альтернативних освітніх технологій, заснованих на активному використанні в освітньому процесі різновидів мистецтва, дає змогу простежити важливість послідовного творчого розвитку і ґрунтовної творчо-спрямованої професійної підготовки сучасного вихователя закладу дошкільної освіти та вчителя початкової школи.

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