<p>臺灣的麻醉護理在專業定位、執業範圍、證照考試和標準化訓練制度等方面面臨著諸多挑戰,尤其2020 年衛生福利部雖將麻醉護理師正式納入專科護理師之制度內,但後續所推行之標準化課程也衍生出更多待解決之難題,如:未導入核心能力架構及評量機制、欠缺思考成人學習理論、龐大的訓練課程時數、麻醉專師之師資量能不足及欠缺系統性師資培育等窘境。本文提出二項教育改革的因應策略,首先是建構以勝任能力導向的麻醉專科護理教育架構並發展麻醉訓練專師之系統性評量工具,即「可信賴專業活動」,未來則需建立共創教學和共享資源文化,以促進教師之間的協作和知識分享,期能提高教學品質,並為教師和學員帶來更豐富、多元化的學習體驗。本文呼籲麻醉專師訓練應即刻進行課程再造,打破傳統以知識和時間為本的教學框架,改以混成授課、自主學習作為課程規劃與執行之原則,積極接軌「勝任能力導向教育」的全球發展趨勢,朝向共創、共享之目標邁進。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Anesthetist nurse practitioners in Taiwan encountered several challenges, particularly in terms of professional identity, scope of practice, certification, and standardized training programs. In 2020, the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan recognized anesthetist nurse practitioner as one of the advanced practice nurses and included them under the regulation of the nurse practitioner system. However, the implementation of the nationwide standardized training program had faced some unre-solved issues and challenges including that the lack of alignment with competency frameworks or pro-grammatic assessments, the extensive increase of training courses, neglects of adult learning theories, shortage of nurse anesthetists instructors, and lack of faculty development system for nurse anesthetist instructors. This article proposes two initiatives as responses to educational reform: 1. constructing a competency-based framework and developing programmatic assessments for training Student Reg-istered Nurse Anesthetist Nurse Practitioner (SRNANP) ; 2. establishing a culture of collaborative teaching and resource sharing. The new culture enhances teaching quality and provides a richer, more diverse learning experience for both trainers and trainees. The article emphasizes the need for im-mediate curriculum transformation in SRNANP training. It emphasizes on the removal of traditional knowledge-centric and time-centric teaching frameworks and focused on adopting blended learning and self-directed learning principles. By aligning with the global trend of competency-based educa-tion, we can actively move toward the goal of co-creation and resource sharing</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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