
Theoretical basis The case can be used to examine the resources and capabilities of small firms considering entering international markets. It can also be a vehicle for examining typical barriers that such companies may face and must overcome when expanding abroad: liabilities of smallness, liabilities of foreignness, liabilities of emergingness and liabilities of outsidership. Research methodology The case is based on several interviews with both entrepreneurs over a one-year period and on secondary information from reports and documents. Case overview/synopsis This teaching case presents the trajectory of a Brazilian services company operating in the corporate events planning industry. The case explores the potential for the company’s international expansion, and the vision and engagement of the entrepreneurs, despite several barriers the company needs to overcome. Complexity academic level The case can be used in Entrepreneurship and International Marketing courses, both at graduate and undergraduate levels. It can also be used in training seminars for executives of tourism and events planning companies, and for employees of export promotion agencies.

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