Problem setting. Manipulations are the main thing in «black rhetoric». Nowadays, it is not difficult to influence with the help of words, different techniques can be used, but they all act as a forced verbal influence on the listener. All of them are formulated and sound based on the power of words. However, where the coercion of submission to another's will is disguised and hidden, there is always contempt and speculation. Therefore, it is no coincidence that most experts raise the question of the moral side of the use of black rhetoric. However, it is fair to say that "black rhetoric" does not mean that it is "forbidden rhetoric." Most likely − this is the reverse side of the classic rules of the communicative process. These are two reverse sides of the same coin: on the one hand, argumentation and logic are clearly presented. On the other hand − rhetoric as a method of securing beliefs. It is believed that black rhetoric is constructive under certain conditions.Paper objectiv. An article devoted to the study of the problems of the application of manipulations with «black rhetoric», coverage of the technology of black rhetoric and methods of resistance to the means and technical manipulative influence on consciousness. The aim of the study is to reveal the techniques of «black rhetoric» and find ways to overcome several methods of manipulating consciousness. Paper main body. According to K. Bredemayer, "black rhetoric" is the manipulation of a complex of rhetorical, dialectical, polemical and rabid methods in order to direct the conversation in the desired direction and lead the opponent or the audience to the desired conclusion and result for the manipulator.
 "Black rhetoric" and logic are interconnected, they are united not only by a common process of proof, but also by the fact that each of the sciences is based on thinking, in fact, the main type of rhetoric is verbal thinking, and the most important argument is manipulation.
 Verbal thinking − thinking that operates with fixed concepts in words, thoughts, conclusions, analyzes and summarizes, builds hypotheses and theory. It takes place in forms that are constant in the language, ie carried out in the processes of internal or ("thinking aloud") external language. Communication through verbal means is nothing more than the use of a living word in the transmission of information. But in addition to language, speech, there are other means of communication. People exchange information through gestures, facial expressions, looks, postures, body movements, which are called non-verbal (non-verbal) means of communication.
 Nonverbal communication is a system of nonverbal cues that serve as a means of exchanging information between people. There is no consensus on the composition of non-verbal components of communication, their classification is based on different criteria. Thus, the communicative nonverbal components of communication are praxodic, kinetic, toxic and proxemic means.
 "Black rhetoric" uses primarily verbal manipulations. Manipulation is the covert control of people and their behavior. The peculiarity of all manipulative language techniques is that the speaker does not directly state his true purpose. The interlocutor seems to come to the conclusion that the manipulator needs.
 Language manipulation can be found in almost all spheres of human life: in advertising, trade, politics, education, psychotherapy, jurisprudence, literature, family communication and more. In addition to language manipulation, there is also psychological manipulation, which has the following characteristics: the attitude of the manipulator to the objects of manipulation as a means to achieve one's own goal; the desire to gain a unilateral advantage; the latent nature of the influence (both the fact of influence and its direction); use of psychological vulnerability of the person.
 The analysis of the listed manipulative techniques of "black rhetoric" shows the absence of logical methods of proof and refutation. Psychological factors, emotional influences, suggestive possibilities are emphasized − thinking avoids logical principles of proof and refutation.
 Conclusions of the research. Strategies such as: take the initiative in the conversation to prevent manipulation; do not allow a skillful interlocutor-manipulator to disturb the normal course of your thoughts in his favor, because black rhetoric seeks to use linguistic means, the purpose of which is the ability to argue and discuss, emphasize and propagate so that the speaker always wins, despite the erroneous judgments.
 To effectively counteract "black rhetoric", psychological influence through critical thinking and reflection should be avoided; emphasize the logical means of discussion; analyze the information by comparing the proposed facts to be verified.
 Mastering the logical methods of introducing a discussion allows you to overcome the dangerous effects of "black rhetoric", to resist suggestions. Information security is thus achieved by mastering logical knowledge and skills of logical proof and refutation.
У логіці йдеться про загальні закони мислення, форми міркування, види доведення та спростування; у логіці панує теорія доказу
Information security is achieved by mastering logical knowledge and skills of logical proof and refutation
Тому не випадково філософи ставлять питання про моральну сторону використання прийомів «чорної риторики». Однак з точки зору інформаційної безпеки «чорна риторика» спроможна реалізовувати сильний негативний вплив на суспільство в цілому, тому необхідно шукати шляхи протидії цьому явищу [2; 3]. А. Шопенгауер [5] уважав, що не можна поставити жорсткий кордон між логічно вірним і невірним міркуванням, бо наполягав на можливості застосування некоректних прийомів «чорної риторики» для перемоги істини. Використання «чорної риторики» в ряді випадків уважається доцільним. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія указаної, не переслідуються, і нелегітимні – рабулістика (мистецтво випробування в діалозі представити людину в невигідному для неї вигляді, як правило, в принизливому), софістика і «чорна риторика». Не тільки саме застосування некоректних прийомів переконання, але й застосування їх у відповідь на некоректний прийом проти себе показує моральну різноманітність допустимості використання маніпулятивних технік [8, с. Не тільки саме застосування некоректних прийомів переконання, але й застосування їх у відповідь на некоректний прийом проти себе показує моральну різноманітність допустимості використання маніпулятивних технік [8, с. 369]
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