The paper considers urban road network in combination with elements of transport infrastructure which are presented as noise sources. Acoustic analysis of the level of noise produced by transport accounts only railway track spans and highways as linear sources of noise. Within the study road network elements and objects of transport infrastructure were classified; traffic interchanges and objects of transport infrastructure were presented as spatial noise source, which provides relevance of this study. The purpose of the research is development of methods for analyzing noise parameters of road networks and objects of transport infrastructure, as well as analysis of noise level in the residential territories caused by the combination of linear and spatial noise sources. The results of analysis and measurements demonstrate that evaluation of noise level caused by transport of the near-highway territory without the account of traffic interchanges as spatial noise sources leads to downward bias of noise level up to 10 dBA.
Transport is the main source of noise in cities
Traffic interchanges and objects of transport infrastructure are not accounted as spatial noise sources, whereas the measurements show that noise parameters of urban road network cannot be presented as a combination of linear noise sources only
The paper presents classification of elements of road network and urban transport infrastructure which enables to apply the method for calculating noise pollution for a certain urban situation
Acoustic analysis while evaluating noise pollution of urban territories in Russia is performed in compliance with regulatory documents: GOST 20444-2014 [1], GOST 23337-2014 [2], SP 51.13330.2011 [3], etc. These standard documents are based on the methods for defining the noise level in residential territories developed by the following authors: G. Drawback of the existing methods for noise level evaluation consists in lack of classification of elements of urban road network and objects of transport infrastructure with regard to noise parameters. Traffic interchanges and objects of transport infrastructure are not accounted as spatial noise sources, whereas the measurements show that noise parameters of urban road network cannot be presented as a combination of linear noise sources only
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