
The study aimed to introduce the concept of Arab national security, its elements and challenges facing it, and to identify regional threats and their role in influencing Arab national security. The study assumed the existence of a positive direct relationship between the absence of the concept of Arab national security and the increase in regional threats to Arab countries. The study was based on the approach of analyzing international systems, with the aim of revealing the internal nature of regional international relations in the Arab regional system, the interactions that take place within the region’s structure, and the behavior of the region’s countries towards those interactions. The study concluded that concept of Arab collective security continued to face ambiguity in its definition and specification of its aspects, and its components. The source of this confusion is the fragmentation of Arab countries, and the growing national dimension over the collective dimension, as most Arab countries stipulate in their constitutions that protecting national security takes precedence over any other duty or function of the state .Many Arab countries resort to their national interests at the expense of the Arab collective interest in the event of the crises they face, in addition to the disagreements of Arab countries between each other, especially after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990

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