
This work was carried out in order to inform more about the impact of innovation technology on the development of entrepreneurship. This paper begins with the explanation about the enterprises, starting with their concept, their development over the years, where it elaborates a theory of time about the reasons why the enterprises are opened and exist, continuing with the discussion of who the entrepreneurs are, and what are the tasks theirs, and also gives us a clear picture of how businesses cannot function without business law. This research continues with the most important subject of the time, the history of the development of innovation, showing us different theories about innovation, how it has developed and how it has changed over time, continuing to the division of innovation.Part of the innovation is also the innovation in marketing, where different theories will be examined, including Ansuff's Matrix. Throughout this paper, we have also penetrated the information system, starting from the definition of the terminology of the system, to the types and development of the information system. Then the advantages and disadvantages of virtualization and office automation will be elaborated.

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