
The Spare Parts Warehouse Management System application is software that helps companies or organizations manage the stock and distribution of spare parts or spare parts needed to maintain the smooth running of their production or operations. This system includes the process of procuring, organizing and sending spare parts needed in company operations. The scientific method uses qualitative, collecting data descriptively through interviews, observation and case studies. The development framework used is a prototype model, involving a series of steps starting from communication, Quick Plan Modeling, Quick Design, Construction of Prototype, Deployment Delivery and Feedback needs analysis, initial evaluation by users, prototype improvements, to implementation. In its implementation, the final result of this research was a Spare Parts Warehouse Management System Application with Web-Based OCR Technology Using the Laravel Framework PT Rajawali Inti Probolinggo, with a final respondent score of 84.8% through external testing from a total of 10 respondents.

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