
OZET: Calismada pamuk tohumlugunda bulunan yabanci otlar ve bunlarin miktarini belirlemek amaciyla 2003 yilinda 14 farli koydeki 15 tohumluk ornegi, 45 farkli circir fabrikasindan alinan tohumluk ornegi ve iki adet tohum saticisindan alinan ornekler laboratuarda binokuler altinda sayilmis olup, bulunan yabanci ot turleri ile bunlarin miktarlari saptanmistir. Calismadan elde edilen sonuclara gore ciftci tohumluklarindaki orneklerde alti farli yabanci ot turune ait tohumlar saptanmistir. Bunlar icerisinde sirasiyla Amaranthus spp. (5 adet), Chenopodium spp. (5 adet), Echinocloa spp. (6 adet), Physalis spp. (30 adet), Setaria spp. (30 adet), Sorghum halepense (11 adet) tohumu bulunmustur. Ayrica 45 farkli circir fabrikasindan alinan orneklerde de sirasiyla, Amaranthus spp. (39 adet), Chenopodium spp. (39 adet), Echinocloa spp. (148 adet), Physalis spp. (135 adet), Setaria spp. (126 adet), Sorghum halepense (42 adet)’nin tohumu saptanmistir. Calismada tohum saticilarindan alinan orneklerde Physalis spp. (1 adet) ve Setaria spp. (2 adet) tohumu bulunmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yabanci ot tohumu, Pamuk, Pamuk tohumlugu, Sanliurfa Determining The Number and Amount of Some Weed Seeds Contaminated Cotton Seeds ABSTRACT: To determine the contamination of cotton seeds with weed seeds a study was carried out in 2003. For this aim cotton seeds samples were taken from different 14 villages with 15 samples and 45 cotton ginning factory. Finally, two samples were taken from seed supplier. These samples were investigated in laboratory under binocular for the counting weed seeds which have small size. Based on the results, Amaranthus spp. (5 numbers), Chenopodium spp. (5 numbers), Echinocloa spp. (6 numbers), Physalis spp. (30 numbers), Setaria spp. (30 numbers) and Sorghum halepense (11 numbers) seeds were found in the farmers’ cotton seeds samples. Additionally, in the samples were taken from ginning factory, Amaranthus spp. (39 numbers), Chenopodium spp. (39 numbers), Echinocloa spp. (148 numbers), Physalis spp. (135 numbers), Setaria spp. (126 numbers), Sorghum halepense (42 numbers) weed seeds were counted. Among the samples which were taken from seed suppliers, Physalis spp. (1 number) and Setaria spp. (2 numbers) seeds were found. Key words: Weed seeds, Cotton, Cotton seeds, Sanliurfa

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