
The article examines the existing state of research activities organization issue among future specialists in the field of technology with an emphasis on a critical review of social and communicative competence formation. The research is based on a comprehensive approach to the study of theoretical and methodological aspects of technology teacher training, integrating the analysis of scientific literature, modern educational practices, and innovative educational strategies. The importance of research work as a fundamental element of the professional development of future teachers is revealed, emphasizing the need to create conditions for the development of analytical thinking, skills of critical information evaluation, and the ability to independently acquire knowledge. Special attention is paid to the importance of social and communicative competence, which is considered a key condition for effective interaction in the educational process, integration into the professional community, and adaptation to the dynamic conditions of the working environment. The focus is on the importance of creating conditions for in-depth learning of research methods and the development of critical thinking, which allows future technology teachers to adapt to new challenges, effectively solve professional tasks, and contribute to the innovative development of the field. A wide range of innovative educational strategies is considered, in particular, the usage of active and interactive forms of learning, which contribute to greater involvement of students and increase their motivation. 
 The article emphasizes the importance of networking and collaborative projects, which open up new opportunities for expanding the professional horizon of future technology teachers and contribute to the formation of crucial social skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork. The role of the student scientific society as a platform for the exchange of experience, the development of research initiatives, and the support of talented youth is highlighted separately.
 The article conclusions indicate the strategic importance of the comprehensive development of future technology teachers, emphasizing the inextricable connection between research activities, social and communicative competence, and professional effectiveness.

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