
Shrimp paste is much-loved by the people. Terasi liked by the people of taste, smell and appearance. But shrimp paste have weaknesses pale white color display, so that sometimes the manufacturer add harmful dyes such as rhodamine B. Whereas including rhodamine B dye that is forbidden to be used for food coloring. Therefore, the necessary natural dye paste is safe to eat as mangosteen rind. The purpose of this study was to determine the nature sesnsoris in shrimp paste with the addition of mangosteen rind. The method used was a completely randomized design (CRD). Factors used is the concentration of mangosteen peel powder (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%) to be added in the of paste. Parameters measured were sensori level on the color, texture, flavor, aroma and overall. Research shows that added shrimp paste of mangosteen peel powder were significantly different (p <0.05) in the level of preference of color, flavor and overall, while the aroma and texture preference level not significantly different (p> 0.05). Concentration of 2% powdered bark of the mangosteen is the treatment of the most preferred by the panelists.


  • PENDAHULUAN Pada produk pangan kajian sensoris sangat penting untuk dilakukan

  • Factors used is the concentration of mangosteen peel powder (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%) to be added in the of paste

  • Garam, bubuk kulit buah manggis sesuai perlakuan (0%; 0,5%; 1%; 1,5% dan 2%) dan menambahkan air 16,67% untuk mempermudah pembentukan adonan terasi (Fitriyani 2013)

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Shrimp paste is much-loved by the people. Terasi liked by the people of taste, smell and appearance. Research shows that added shrimp paste of mangosteen peel powder were significantly different (p 0.05). Begitu pula pada pada pengembangan produk terasi diharapkan mendapatkan respon positif dari konsumen yang telah ditentukan. Warna terasi yang pucat ini menjadi masalah bagi produsesn, karena konsumen kurang tertarik untuk membelinya. Pemanfaatan kulit manggis sebagai pewarna alami pada terasi udang dengan pertimbangan kulit buah manggis mempunyai warna yang tajam, yaitu berwarna merah lembayung. Indra (2009) dalam Saraswati dan Astutik (2011) menambahkan bahwa jika kandungan dalam kulit manggis di ekstraksi maka akan mendapatkan pewarna alami yaitu antosianin yang menghasilkan warna merah, ungu dan biru. Sehingga diharapkan terasi udang yang ditambahi bubuk kulit manggis merupakan produk yang dapat diterima oleh konsumen atau sebaliknya.

Tingkat Kesukaan Kesluruhan Terasi Udang
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